LETTER: Your vote for Select Board has greater impact this year

To the editor:

This year, your vote for Select Board will have a much greater impact than before. The top two “vote getters” will be guaranteed a position on the board for three years. The fifth-place finisher will need to run again next year for a three-year term.

When voting for Select Board, you are entitled to vote for five, but you may prefer to vote for one (your favorite) or two,or three. While you cannot vote for more than five, you do not have to vote for five. You help your preferred candidate by not supplying votes to rivals.

While some take a dim view of “bullet” voting, it is simply a political strategy. It has been used in Marblehead and elsewhere for many years.

Please visit your polling place on June 11 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The future leadership of our town will be determined by the turnout.

Walter Horan
Intrepid Circle

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