Wedding announcements

Congratulations on your (or your loved one’s) wedding! Please use the form below to submit your wedding announcement to the Marblehead Current.


  • You may choose to publish your news online only, in print only or in both online and print
  • If you choose online, please let us know if you’d like your news shared on our social media channels. Life event announcements are published on for a suggested donation of $25 (donations can be made here). Your contribution helps to support our nonprofit newsroom and the presence of independent news in Marblehead. 
  • If you choose print, we will be in touch to facilitate payment prior to printing. Print submissions must be received and finalized by noon on Thursday in order to print in the following week’s paper. Announcements printed in the paper cost $200 and we will be in touch to facilitate payment.
  • In all cases, our team will review your announcement and edit as needed for style, retaining all facts. We will be in touch if we have questions. Otherwise your news will be published according to (or as close as possible to) your requested timeline. 

You can always reach us at

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.

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