LETTER: Wellness Day a success thanks to generous support

LETTER: Wellness Day a success thanks to generous support

To the editor:  On Saturday,June 22, the Marblehead Counseling Center hosted a Community Wellness Day event, to commemorate the center's 55th year of providing the town with mental health and social services. Working with our board and staff, I was pleased to pull together this event with the support of a community-wide team. Our generous financial sponsors not only helped make it possible but also successful.  Our local vendors and practitioners in the well-being workplace were instrumental in providing an informational and entertaining venue for all who attended. We also had important collaborators and guidance from other nonprofits and the town of Marblehead Police, Fire, Recreation & Parks and Health Departments, without whom we could not have enjoyed such a safe a...
LETTERS, Opinion

Letter to the editor: Wellness Day a success thanks to generous support

To the editor:  On Saturday, June 22, the Marblehead Counseling Center hosted a Community Wellness Day event, to commemorate the center's 55th year of providing the town with mental health and social services. Working with our board and staff, I was pleased to pull together this event with the support of a community-wide team. Our generous financial sponsors not only helped make it possible but also successful.  Our local vendors and practitioners in the well-being workplace were instrumental in providing an informational and entertaining venue for all who attended. We also had important collaborators and guidance from other nonprofits and the town of Marblehead Police, Fire, Recreation & Parks and Health Departments, without whom we could not have enjoyed such a safe and p...

LETTER: Thanking the community for supporting Cure By the Harbor

To the editor: I am writing to thank the Marblehead community for its support of the Cure By the Harbor, the first of what I believe will become an annual event. Cure By the Harbor was established to honor the memory of my husband Kevin who died in 2021 at 44 of an aggressive form of lung cancer that affects nonsmokers. Proceeds from this sold-out event, which generated $25,000, will fund research at Mass General focused on rare lung cancers like the one that Kevin was diagnosed with in 2018 at age 41. Prior to his diagnosis, Kevin was extremely healthy and very active, ran races, hiked mountains and coached Marblehead youth sports. In addition to raising much-needed funds we will work to eliminate the stigma often associated with lung cancer, which many assume is a "smoker's cancer...

LETTER: ‘Marblehead Boat Names – 3rd Edition’

To the editor: A big thank you to the 800+ boat owners for sharing their unique and entertaining stories and 100+ color photos, which made “Marblehead Boat Names — 3rd Edition” possible! Also, a big thank you to the Marblehead community for your support of this fun project! Shop local at Marblehead Mercantile, Shubie's, Saltwater Bookstore, Mookies and F.L. Woods, where you can find “Marblehead Boat Names-3rd Edition.” It's also available on Amazon for your convenience. For the latest book updates, please visit marbleheadboatnames.com Thank you again, and I hope you all have a wonderful summer! Sincerely, Susan (Cairns) Fischer Atlantic Ave.

LETTER: Build for greatness

To the editor: Last week, Marblehead Light Department asked town residents to curtail energy use in response to a massive spike in regional energy prices.* The problem was upstream: A generator in the regional grid (ISO-NE) which went offline sending the price for a marginal megawatt hour skyrocketing. Marblehead, along with towns throughout Massachusetts, faces the problem of how to deal with energy infrastructure that is not just old, but worsening the climate (as I write this, the current energy mix is 55% natural gas). Recently, we have seen different visions from two of our elected representatives for how to solve this and other difficult problems. Last week, Sen. Edward Markey voted against reducing fees and slashing bureaucratic red tape for the construction of new nuclear...
LETTERS, Opinion

LETTERS: Wait for the courts

To the editor: The MBTA zoning mandate is a clear case of overreach by Governors Charlie Baker and Maura Healey and the Legislature on Beacon Hill. The problem with the MBTA question has nothing to do with messaging or a better organized campaign. It is an effort to convince voters of the supposed benign intentions of the statute. It is a violation of home rule law by the state. Each community in Massachusetts has the right to determine zoning regulations that best fit unique needs of each community. If this is a mandate, then why is it necessary for Article 36 to be brought up for a vote at all? The argument has been made that because it is law, voters should just accept it and move on. The act is currently before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial court, which will decide on th...
LETTERS, Opinion, Uncategorized

LETTER: Your vote for Select Board has greater impact this year

To the editor: This year, your vote for Select Board will have a much greater impact than before. The top two "vote getters" will be guaranteed a position on the board for three years. The fifth-place finisher will need to run again next year for a three-year term. When voting for Select Board, you are entitled to vote for five, but you may prefer to vote for one (your favorite) or two,or three. While you cannot vote for more than five, you do not have to vote for five. You help your preferred candidate by not supplying votes to rivals. While some take a dim view of "bullet" voting, it is simply a political strategy. It has been used in Marblehead and elsewhere for many years. Please visit your polling place on June 11 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The future leadership of our town wi...
LETTERS, Opinion

LETTER: Endorsement for Shelly Bedrossian for Recreation and Parks Committee

To the editor: It is with great enthusiasm that we write to endorse Shelly Bedrossian for re-election to the Marblehead Recreation and Parks Committee. As a dedicated member of our community, Shelly has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to enhancing our recreational department and ensures the well-being of our residents. One of Shelly's notable achievements during her tenure on the committee has been the establishment of the Beaches 2024 working group. This initiative not only showcased her proactive approach but also exemplified her keen attention to detail. Through this working group, Shelly played a pivotal role in generating revenue for our Community Center and creating job opportunities, thereby fostering a sustainable financial future for our recreational prog...
LETTERS, Opinion

LETTER: The drive for better sports facilities

To the editor: It's another week as a sports parent which means two things: Practice will be cancelled at Green Street Reynolds Field due to marshy conditions; and I'll be lucky enough to be stuck in traffic driving to another town so my children can participate in sports. I say lucky enough because I'm a parent who has the time, ability and resources to do so. Many others are not able to make that choice. Recreation and Parks Commissioner Shelly Curran Bedrossian, who lived up to the hype in her first term, is running to change that narrative. Among many other initiatives she's taken on, Shelly has poured her heart and intellect into improving the conditions and funding for our young athletes in town. She'll look to continue this trend in her second term by using existing funds to ...
LETTERS, Opinion

LETTER: Middle schooler urges community to protect coastline

To the editor: I am a middle schooler who is fortunate enough to have grown up in Marblehead. I love the opportunities that Marblehead's beautiful coastline offers, and I want to live here well into the future. I also want to feel safe when swimming off our local beaches. After it rains, rainwater runoff carries fecal matter and harmful chemicals straight into the ocean. Taking a few simple steps can really help protect future generations and keep our coastline safe for all of us. For instance, try using fertilizer instead of pesticides on your lawn, or just make sure to pick up after your dog. Marblehead is known for its beautiful coastline, and our beaches aren't something we should take for granted. Help me preserve our ocean because it matters. Thank you. August Belf G...
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