
SOLAR SHOW: People stop to witness eclipse
Environment, Local News, Science, Top Stories

SOLAR SHOW: People stop to witness eclipse

Monday afternoon, people young and old across Marblehead dropped what they were doing and looked to the sky during an historic eclipse that blocked 93% of the sun locally. Students streamed out of schools wearing their eclipse glasses, and families and friends gathered at spots around town.  Fourth grader Jack Lawler stepped out the front door of the Village School with his protective glasses in place. : A group of Marblehead artists gathered for the eclipse at Devereux Beach. They are, from left Jennifer Jones, Stephanie Verdun, Liz Roache, Dave Roache, Tracy Finn and Christian Stumpf.  CURRENT PHOTO / LEIGH BLANDER  The artists brought eclipse-themed snacks and listened to a specially curated eclipse playlist. CURRENT PHOTO / LEIGH BLANDER Village School s...
Education, Local News, Science, Top Stories

ASTRAL COUNTDOWN: Mark the calendar for near total eclipse

On Monday, April 8, Marblehead will have the opportunity to witness a rare celestial event: a partial solar eclipse. While the town won't experience the complete darkness of a total eclipse, the moon will cover a significant portion of the sun, offering a dramatic spectacle in the sky. This image shows a sequence of a solar eclipse against a dusk or dawn sky. The sequence, moving from the upper left to the lower right, depicts the eclipse's various stages. COURTESY PHOTO / NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Dr. Eric Reines, an amateur astronomer, has been eagerly anticipating this event. "Two years ago, I made reservations at an inn up in Vermont, near the Canadian border," Reines said, explaining that the path of totality — where the moon completely covers the sun — will pass through norther...
Columns, Health, Science, Uncategorized

MARBLEHEAD CARES: Identifying narcissists

The origins of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are complex and multifaceted, often stemming from a combination of genetic predispositions, early childhood experiences and environmental factors. Some researchers propose that individuals with NPD may have experienced significant trauma or neglect during their formative years, leading them to develop maladaptive coping mechanisms centered around self-preservation and self-enhancement. While it's normal for individuals to exhibit narcissistic traits occasionally, such as during moments of success or when seeking validation, those with NPD display these characteristics persistently and to a dysfunctional extent. Their obsession with maintaining a façade of perfection and superiority can manifest in various behaviors that disrupt...
Education, Local News, Marblehead Public Schools, Science

Teacher embraces ‘world’s worst weather’ for students

Brown School third-grade teacher Lindsay Willard spent March 13 at the Mount Washington Observatory, known as the home to the world's weather. The adventurous professional development opportunity, which aligns with the third-grade science standards, included a tour of the weather station and a chance to shadow weather scientists as they used a variety of instruments to collect and track hourly weather data. Brown School teacher Lindsay Willard traveled to the summit of Mt. Washington to learn about wild weather. COURTESY PHOTO Willard traveled to the summit on a Snowcat with teachers from around New England. She learned about the history of the Mount Washington Observatory and took part in a live video conference with Brown School third graders to share her wild weather experienc...
Business, Community resources, Education, Health, Local News, Marblehead Public Schools, Municipal Matters, Nonprofit corner, Public safety, Religion, Science, Top Stories

Four years later, leaders reflect on COVID’s impact

Four years ago today, on March 13, 2020, Marblehead students left school as a deadlypandemic began to shut down the world and change lives forever. They didn’t return toclassrooms for months. On this anniversary, the Current spoke with education, service, business and faith leadersaround town, asking them to reflect on how COVID affected Marblehead and whether thoseeffects are still being felt today. Town leaders are reflecting on COVID's impact, four years after its outbreak. COURTESY PHOTO / CDC “The impact on our town was huge, first adjusting to the lockdown and the closing of schools,”said Board of Health Chair Helaine Hazlett. “The businesses which were determined non-essential were closed for several months. The markets and pharmacies were essential and hadto conduct thei...
Education, Local News, Marblehead Public Schools, Science, Top Stories

See Spot run: Robot dog visits Glover, Brown schools

Marblehead second and third graders met a special guest Tuesday — Spot, a robot dog who came to teach kids about computer coding and AI. Spot can dance, jump and walk up and down stairs, and visited the Glover and Brown schools, along with Dr. Lori Towle from the Code & Circuit school in Amesbury.   Spot the robot dog visited students at the Glover and Brown schools. CURRENT PHOTO / LEIGH BLANDER “We inspire kids with computer science and robotics,” Towle told the Current at Glover. “Every child has their own unique code and can grow their code. We teach them they can create and innovate.” Spot was built by Boston Dynamics, but it was Code & Circuit student Will Schierey who designed the code to make Spot do special tasks. When Towle asked the Glover second graders ...
Art, Community resources, Environment, Local News, Nonprofit corner, Science, Top Stories

Lights, camera, climate change

It can be hard to get motivated about a threat when the consequences don’t seem real or, when it comes to climate change, read a bit like a Jake Gyllenhaal sci-fi movie. But Marblehead residents John Livermore and Kelley O’Malley are aiming to change that by bringing the urgency of the issue home to Marblehead and the world with The Moviement Project.The pair, with an assist from daughter, Alix Livermore, has written a screenplay that “will vividly illustrate both the personal and societal consequences of climate inaction and will reveal a vision of the world we must create,” Livermore said. The story centers on a family living in a charming, New England, seaside community when the threshold that is the irreversible tipping point of climate change is crossed. Livermore said the story will...
Community resources, Culture, Environment, Local News, Nonprofit corner, Press releases, Science

Marblehead Racial Justice Team to discuss climate justice

The theme of this month’s Conversations on Race event with the Marblehead Racial Justice Team will be “Climate Justice is Racial Justice.” The program will be held Monday, May 22, 7 p.m. at the Marblehead Museum, 170 Washington St.  Climate justice is a term used to talk about the impact of environmental pollution on different populations. During this session, Rev. Clyde Elledge from St. Andrew’s Church will explore climate justice as a historical movement. Discussion will move to present day climate injustice and its contribution to systemic environmental racism.  The program will be broadcast on Zoom. Register HERE. For details, email
Local News, Marblehead Public Schools, Science, Top Stories

Brown School students show off STEAM projects

The inaugural Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) fair at the Lucretia and James Brown School drew an impressive, shoulder-to-shoulder crowd on Thursday evening. The atmosphere was filled with lively banter and laughter as families navigated through row after row of STEAM projects in the Baldwin Road school's gymnasium. Kindergartener Henry Norfleet, left, listens as Samantha Nelson and her son Alexander ask questions about his aeroponic garden during the inaugural STEAM fair on April 13 at the Brown School. CURRENT PHOTOS / NICOLE GOODHUE BOYD "I love that they're engaging in this type of experiential learning," said Sarah Fox, the School Committee Chair, amid a happy frenzy of activity. "The children learn so much more." The STEAM fair, co-organize...
Environment, Local News, Science, Top Stories

Marblehead photographer lifts the curtain on natural world

A snowy owl roosting among the dried-out driftwood and grass of Devereux Beach. A coyote keeping low to the ground as it stalks prey. A deer foraging for food on a forest floor. The Milky Way's stars littering the night sky. For about 15 years, Rick Cuzner has photographed Marblehead's wildlife. COURTESY PHOTOS / RICK CUZNER Rick Cuzner's photographs lift the curtain on a natural world seemingly hidden in plain sight. But with enough patience and interest, one can lift this veil, too, he says. For the past 15 years, Cuzner has taken thousands of nature photographs that have captured the wild animals who call Marblehead home. "It's a good stress relief running around in the woods," Cuzner said. "I love hiking. I love nature. I love the wildlife." The Marblehead native's family ...
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