SOLAR SHOW: People stop to witness eclipse

Monday afternoon, people young and old across Marblehead dropped what they were doing and looked to the sky during an historic eclipse that blocked 93% of the sun locally.

Students streamed out of schools wearing their eclipse glasses, and families and friends gathered at spots around town. 

Fourth grader Jack Lawler stepped out the front door of the Village School with his protective glasses in place.

“We learned that an eclipse is when the moon and sun line up and it gets dark during the day,” Lawler explained.

Fourth grader Jaelyn Wilcock was also wearing her glasses and said an eclipse is when “the sun and moon mix together.” 

A group of artists gathered at Devereux Beach to experience the eclipse together. They brought themed snacks, including Oreos, Orbit gum, and chocolate and vanilla Hoodsies. They were listening to a special playlist for the occasion, with songs like “Moondance” and tracks from “Dark Side of the Moon.”

As artists, they were excited to see how the eclipse would change colors around them. 

At Abbot Hall, left to right, Bruce Hamilton, Kyle Wiley, Select Board members Jim Nye and Moses Grader, and Town Administrator Thatcher Kezer stepped outside to see the sun disappear behind the moon. CURRENT PHOTO / WILL DOWD

People also gathered at the Marblehead Yacht Club. And town officials at Abbot Hall stepped outside for a sneak peek.

The next eclipse that will be visible in the contiguous 48 states will be in 2044.

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