Water and sewer bills to jump an average of $228 in FY 2025

Marblehead residents face an average of $228 annual increase in their water and sewer bills starting July 1, according to new rates set by the town’s Water and Sewer Commission on June 25.

An average family using about 20,217 gallons of water per quarter will see their yearly costs rise from $2,147 to $2,375 in fiscal year 2025.

The rate hike stems from increases in both administrative charges and usage fees. The quarterly administrative charge for water service will jump from $28.75 to $40, while sewer service will increase from $27 to $37.50.

Marblehead’s water and sewer system includes over 83 miles of water lines, 28 pump stations and 100 miles of sewer pipes serving approximately 8,000 customer accounts.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Customers will pay $7.10 per 748 gallons for the first 22,442 gallons used quarterly, up from $6.80 currently. Usage over 22,442 gallons will be charged at $11.50 per 748 gallons, a significant jump from the current $9.75 rate. The quarterly administrative charge will also rise from $28.75 to $40. About 17% of accounts fall under the higher-usage tier. 

On the sewer side, rates will increase to $12 per 748 gallons for the first 22,442 gallons and $12.25 per 748 gallons thereafter, with the administrative charge rising from $27 to $37.50 per quarter. About 5% of accounts fall under the higher-usage tier. 

Commission officials said the increases are needed to fund rising costs, debt payments and infrastructure investments. The water department budget is increasing nearly $400,000 to $6.2 million, while the sewer budget is up nearly $250,000 to $5.4 million.

Many of the town’s water mains and sewer pump stations are aging and in need of upgrades or replacement, commissioners said. The sewer department is also facing a federal Environmental Protection Agency order to reduce infiltration and inflow into the system over the next eight years, a project estimated to cost over $10 million.

The commission also approved increases to various miscellaneous fees:

Water Fees:

— Turn on/off: $100 to $150

— Labor additional fee (off-hours): $150 to $250

— Frozen meters/labor: $100 to $150

— Mid-cycle reading: $100 to $150

— Cross connection survey: $100 to $150

— Backflow preventer test: $150 to $200

— Fire flow tests: $250 to $300

— Tap fee: $1,500 to $2,000

Sewer Fees:

— Drain layer license: $300 to $500

— Main to dwelling: $100 to $200

— Main to curb: $300 to $400

— Curb to dwelling: $300 to $400

— Pipe cut-ins and saddles: $150 to $300

— Demolition cap inspection: $150 to $300

— Sewer application fee (residential): $50 to $100 per bedroom

— Labor additional fee (off-hours): $250 to $500

Even with the increases, town officials said Marblehead’s rates remain comparable to other area communities.

Commission Chairperson Carlton Siegel said without the rate increases, the commission would be unable to properly maintain service and comply with regulations.

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