LETTER: Retirement of Veteran’s Agent Dave Rogers

To the editor:

With the approach of Memorial Day, and on behalf of myself and hundreds of other Marblehead veterans from all services of the Armed Forces of the United States, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Mr. David Rogers, who is retiring in June as the Veteran’s Agent for the town of Marblehead.

A true “‘Header,” Dave was born and raised in Marblehead, and in the tradition of a son of “The Birthplace of the American Navy,” served our country for four years on active duty as a communications specialist in the U.S. Navy. For the past 25 years, Dave has devoted his efforts and tireless energy to addressing the needs of former service members and their families. His dedication to the town’s veterans has included coordination of Veterans and Memorial Day events, 4th of July celebrations, social services, assistance in navigating the complexities of the federal and state government bureaucracies, aiding veterans in obtaining access to medical care, organizing military funerals, obtaining service-connected disability benefits and countless other activities.

In addition, he has played a critical role in educating generations of Marblehead school children about the service and sacrifice of our nation’s veterans, protectors of the liberties and privileges that we enjoy as a free people.

Dave and his wife, part-time “lobster persons,” look forward to hauling up another blue lobster in one of their traps someday soon. And when that happens, I’m sure we’ll all hear about it!

Michael M. Fuenfer, Colonel (Ret.), Medical Corps, U.S.Army
Franklin Street

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