Donate to support the Current.

The Marblehead Current is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our tagline — “news for people, not for profit” — underlies our commitment to delivering fair, professional news without lining our own pockets. If you enjoy our coverage and support local, nonprofit news, there’s never been a better time to donate. 

Other ways to donate

If you’d like to donate by personal check, please make it payable to Marblehead News Group and send it to our offices at 217 Humphrey Street, Marblehead, MA 01945.

If you wish to make a donation through your donor-advised fund or appreciated stock, we need to give you additional information. Please email:

Many employers offer a matching gift program and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Find out if your company has an employee matching gift program by asking your human resources department.

Marblehead News Group, the organization that publishes the Current, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions to MNG are tax deductible under federal and state laws.

Thank you to our top donors!

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