Fire chief: Let us know if you need a cooling center. Also, fire truck spray set for Thursday

Fire Chief Jason Gilliland is reaching out asking the public to let him know if they think they will need to use cooling centers during the hot and humid weather this week. The National Weather Service has declared a heat advisory in Marblehead from June 18 at noon through June 20 at 7 p.m. There is also an air quality alert.

The town has opened cooling centers during heat waves the last three summers, but no one utilized them. So this year, Gilliland is asking people to call dispatch at 781-631-1212 if they think they might need one. If people say ‘yes,’ the town will open cooling centers in the Brown School cafeteria and Veterans School Performing Arts Center.

If there is a need to open the centers, they will be stocked with cots and water.

Also, the town has scheduled a fire truck spray outside the Community Center, 10 Humphrey St., for Thursday, June 20, 2:30 p.m. It is free and open to all.

The fire truck spray was a big hit last June. CURRENT PHOTO / LEIGH BLANDER

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