RIDING FOR A REASON: 30+ ‘Headers to pedal in PMC

At least 32 Marblehead residents will join this summer’s Pan-Mass Challenge with the goal of raising a record $75 million for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. With this year’s ride on Aug. 3-4, the PMC will top $1 billion in fundraising for Dana-Farber. 

“Thanks to the fierce determination of PMC riders, volunteers, donors and sponsors, I’m confident that this will be our biggest fundraising year yet,” said Billy Starr, founder and executive director of the PMC. “We’re well positioned to cross $1 billion in total donations for cancer research and treatment since I founded the PMC in 1980. I am looking forward to cycling alongside everyone on the road in August as we hit this momentous achievement together.”

 So far, 32 Marblehead residents have signed up for this summer’s Pan-Mass Challenge. COURTESY PHOTO 

The PMC donates 100% of every rider-raised dollar directly to Dana-Farber to support cancer research and patient care, accounting for 62% of the Jimmy Fund’s annual revenue. For more than four decades, PMC funds have helped Dana-Farber achieve lifesaving clinical breakthroughs and advancements. In the last five years alone, Dana-Farber doctors and researchers have played a substantial role in developing more than half of all cancer drugs approved by the FDA.

Cyclists come together from around the world to ride between 25 and 211 miles. Registration for the ride is open through July 1. For more information, visit pmc.org/ride.

The ‘Headers already ready to ride include: Ian Boldt, Gabrielle Coffman, Max Cushman, Tom Cushman, Stephen Garfield, Emma Garfield, Robert Goodall, Andrew Haggard, John Harrison, Moira James, William Kane, Mary Lavoie-Mayer, Catherine Malone, David Manganis, Jack Manganis, Louis Mayle, Caroline McCarthy, Angus McQuilken, Mark Meyer, Chris Morrissey, Howard Needel, Kristin O’Neil-Callahan, Laurie Pulido, Robert Rieckelman, Neill Silva, Ralph Sweetland, Bob Tavares, Maya Tavares, Ellie Tomlinson, Kathleen Vander Laan, Marty Willis and Bill Willis.

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