COLUMN: Help meet the Hill Family Informed Citizens Match Challenge today

When I first moved permanently to Marblehead almost 40 years ago, I instantly knew I had made the right choice. The charm, history and appeal of this beautiful seaside community reached out and lured me in.

What has been especially joyous though, was to discover that over the years the magic of Marblehead has had the very same impact on my family.

Whether it be experiencing the fireworks, harbor illumination and Arts Festival over the July 4 holiday or the thrill of watching the arrival of the USS Constitution into Marblehead Harbor from a widow’s walk at Fort Sewall, my family absolutely relishes each of their many visits to “our town.”

On one particular day, on the way here, my sister Judy shared with me that my nephew Nate (who now lives in Denmark) exclaimed, “I’m getting butterflies in my stomach” as they were entering Marblehead. 

One memorable Christmas Walk weekend, while strolling through old town with my family to watch the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus on a lobster boat, my brother Jeff pointed out to his two children (after many people had stopped to say hello) that “everyone in town knows Uncle Doug.”

This was further validated later when Santa yelled, “Merry Christmas, Doug” from his vehicle while we were watching the parade. My niece Julianna’s (who now lives In Uruguay) immediate response was “Daddy, even Santa knows Uncle Doug.”

The shared love and enthusiasm for Marblehead only continues to flourish as this October my nephew Connor will introduce with great anticipation his wife and 1-year-old son to Marblehead during their visit from Richmond to New England.

Not only is my family appreciative of all that Marblehead has to offer, but they are also fascinated by our Town Meeting form of government and how we function as a community.

It is in this area that our local, nonprofit, independent Marblehead Current newspaper distinctively excels. From the thorough and timely coverage of our Town Meetings to the weekly top-notch reporting of those issues which impact us all, we are kept well informed, highly motivated and most engaged.

What other publication that you read produces amazing supplements like the recent Town Meeting and Election guides? I rely on this kind of factual and fully-thought-through information to inform my decision making. I am sure I am not alone in this.

When learning of my involvement with the fundraising for our local nonprofit independent newspaper, my niece Sarah who lives in nearby Cambridge and has visited here the most, commented that, “Marblehead deserves a quality newspaper that reports the news and shares the stories that make it all so unique.”

I was heartened (but not all that surprised) when my family agreed to join forces with me for the Hill Family Informed Citizens Match Challenge to help contribute to this fundraising effort; I hope others will join us in this most important campaign.

Doug Hill, third from left, and members of his family are offering a $2,500 matching challenge to support the work of the Marblehead Current.

For every dollar donated this week, the Hill family will match up to $2,500. Your donation can have double the impact, so please give as generously as you are able.

I have often felt that being born and raised in Marblehead is a gift, but discovering and moving to Marblehead is a prize. I feel exactly the same way about our Marblehead Current.

For almost a year and a half, we have been gifted each week with the delivery of the Current to our homes. If you prize this valued resource like I do, I encourage you to join us by becoming a sustaining donor and/or contributing to our Current which has clearly and continuously enriched our community.

Unlock the $2,500 Hill Family Informed Citizen Match Challenge by donating at

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