Teachers react to Student Services resignations: Bring back Glover educators

Just about 24 hours after interim Superintendent Theresa McGuinness announced the resignations of Student Services Director Paula Donnelly and Associate Director Emily Dean, the Marblehead teachers union released a statement asking that four Glover School educators placed on leave be welcomed back to work.

“As leadership changes are being made in the Student Services Department, it is imperative to correct some of the missteps of the previous leadership team,” the Marblehead Education Association statement reads.

“Specifically, MEA members unfairly placed on administrative leave by former administrators must be returned to their positions immediately. Undoing that injustice will be an important step toward improving the culture and climate in our schools and will help establish trust as we move forward collaboratively to meet the needs of all of our students.”

Those Glover educators have been on leave since early December, while the district reviews its restraint policies after incidents involving students.

The MEA praised McGuinness’ announcement that the district is hiring two new board-certified behavior analysts and establishing a committee to lead Student Services while an interim director is chosen.

“The Marblehead Education Association is pleased that two behavior analysts (BCBAs) have joined the staff and that the district formed a Student Services Steering Committee to address some of the concerns that educators have been raising about safety and learning conditions in our schools. These issues affect every student and staff member. MEA members are committed to working with the entire Marblehead
Public Schools community to create the schools and learning conditions our students
and staff deserve.”

After hearing from many teachers at a Dec. 21 School Committee meeting that there was only one board-certified behavior analyst for the entire district, McGuinness announced Jan. 1 that two new BCBAs would join MPS this month. Catherine Woods will work at the Brown School, and Emily Boutin will work at Glover School. BCBA Kristen Phelps will continue to work district wide, primarily supporting students at the Village and Veterans schools.

Teachers demanded the removal of the Student Services leadership at a Dec. 21 School Committee meeting. CURRENT PHOTO / LEIGH BLANDER

The Student Services Steering Committee will meet weekly starting on Jan. 9 and will be co-chaired by the interim superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning Julia Ferreira.

“Additionally, to ensure effective processes and timely communication across the district, we’ve added a weekly Student Services Leadership meeting where principals and district administrators will support the Steering Committee’s work and plan accordingly,” McGuinness wrote.

New Glover acting principal

Marblehead High School Vice Principal Dan Richards will become the interim principal at Glover school starting Thursday, Jan. 4, for the duration of Principal Hope Doran’s medical leave, which remains undefined. Doran left on Dec. 4.

Richards will spend two days acclimating at Glover alongside acting Principal Matt Fox, who will return to Vets on Monday, Jan. 8. Brown School Principal Mary Maxfield will serve as Richards’ mentor during his time at Glover.

This is a developing story. Stay with the Current for updates.

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