LETTER: School Committee members are ‘voices for the voiceless’

I am proud of the newly elected School Committee for taking action from Day One in office. This is why you were overwhelmingly supported in the polls. We believe in you.

Although it is an unfortunate situation that we have found ourselves in — we elected the School Committee to make tough decisions. We entrusted them with confidential information about our children and our staff. We therefore expect thoughtful dialogue when evaluating a change such as one in superintendents and firmly believe in accountability. We anticipate the School Committee to continue honoring the confidentiality of our employees and do not expect releasing information that would be inflammatory or breach a code of ethics.

It is imperative that the outcomes considered are solution oriented and center our children and their safety. Nothing else matters except protecting our most vulnerable. I believe in the School Committee.

Throughout the process, the School Committee members have exemplified professionalism, authenticity and integrity. They are our voices. They are the voices for the voiceless. I have full confidence that they have and will continue to fulfill their duties and obligations in this difficult situation.

Our children are watching.

Megan Sweeney

Beacon Street

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