LETTER: Critisizing Israel is not antisemitic

I read, with some heartbreak, about the accusations of antisemitism leveled against Candice Sliney. As a Rotarian, we have worked with her to establish programs at the high school and become more familiar with Team Harmony. It is hard to imagine a person who less fills the profile being presented than Candice.

I would like to take a guess at what is happening in both our town and nation. The government of Israel, which we know does not represent at least half of its citizens, or world Jewry, has not asked us to weigh in on the genocidal campaign that is now being waged against Palestinians. When open discussion is welcomed, it becomes clear that ‘Jew’ does not equal ‘agreement with Israeli policy.’ Unfortunately, they have become synonymous and thus criticism of the Netanyahu government is assumed to be antisemitic. It is not! It is our moral obligation to do all we can to stop this deadly campaign, and discussion of it should be a safe topic, not one that damns you.

For 25 years, thousands of American Jews have joined J Street, an organization started by an American/Israeli Jew that has consistently campaigned for a two-state solution. There is no safety without security. There is no security without peace. There will be no lasting peace until Palestinians have their own, secure nation within which to build a future on.

Please discriminate between antisemitism and anti-Israeli government policy. Let us always assume best intentions with our deeply committed teachers, and work for a lasting peace.

Judith Black  
Prospect Street

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